<p>Islahiya College 1985 -1991</p>

<p>Head, Department of Journalism and Mass Communication, University of Calicut,</p>

<p>Research Guide in Mass Communication, University of Calicut.</p>

<p>Director, Academic Affairs, University of Calicut</p>


Islahiya College 1985 -1991

Head, Department of Journalism and Mass Communication, University of Calicut,

Research Guide in Mass Communication, University of Calicut.

Director, Academic Affairs, University of Calicut

Unlike other institutions, Islahiya offered us immense freedom for liberal thought and creative work. Ours was a campus with full of life; closely knit, yet diverse; really a springboard for our personal growth in Islamic path.
We were blessed with the presence of great minds like AR, OA and EN, who had set models in their fields of interest. 
So, the time I spent at Islahiya laid the foundation for my views and dreams.